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Hide - A - Hook
"The Hook of the Future"
The Big Idea
September -
Our local community college (PHCC) hosted a 30 day, "Big Idea Challenge", to help an entrepreneur bring their new idea to life, which I priticapated in
At the end of the 30 day challenge, I presented my pitch on my Big Idea "Hide - A - Hook", and won a price package vauled over $5,000.
During the 30 days, I received a workspace with acess to fab lab equipement, a mentor, deisgn assistance for prototype and more
Fast Track
Annual Trade
March 2017
My Big Idea "Hide - A - Hook" made it's first debut at Martinsville's Fast Track Annual Trade Show. Over 3,000 people attended and gave ecstatic reviews on this new innovation.
Start up
Boot Camp
March - April
Martinsville-Henry County Chamber's Partnership for Economic Growth (C-Peg) selected Hide - A - Hook to participate in this competitive Entrepreneurial Boot Camp. This was an 8 week course that covered marketing, finical planning, business plans and more. At the end of the 8 week period, each participant gave their pitch in front of the Chamber of Commerce Board, City Board and Business Leaders. Hide - A - Hook received the largest amount votes was awarded $12,000 prize to start up there business.
April 2017
Hide - A - Hook attended a Pitch Party in Roanoke, VA, that was hosted by the Cortex Leadership.
As the winner of the contest, I had the opportunity to go on a local TV station WFXR, where I had, 3 minutes to present my pitch to many TV viewers.
June 2017
Actual prototype has been designed, provisional paten number has been attained 62/709,694. We are seeking other trade shows, pitch opportunities and business sales to get others hooked on this new innovation
Hide - A - Hook are you hooked yet?
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